Saúde é o que interessa o resto não tem pressa
December 2, 2021
December 9, 2021
The children Entertainer Jeca the clown was delighted to be the main children Entertainer at the Charleville Castle (Tullamore) for the L.A.B.A.S. Spring Season Festival event that included all day live music, Irish bagpiper, Lithuanian and Latvian folklore dancers, contemporary dancing show, historic partisan performance, accordion music. Entertainment for the kids included laser tag game, clown ( Jeca the clown ), and bouncing castle!
They offered free tea and coffee to keep everyone all warm while browsing traditional craft fair. Also, Charity Raffle that I had the pleasure to be part and clowning around with my trying to speak the beautiful Lithuanian language, made many people laugh a lot.
Thanks again for inviting the children entertainer Jeca the clown and introduce to me and all guesses the amazing and rich Lithuanian’ culture, hope see you all again soon.