Saúde é o que interessa o resto não tem pressa
December 2, 2021
Saúde é o que interessa o resto não tem pressa
December 2, 2021
Let's start by telling why the name Jeca

I was a child that loved the stories of Monteiro Lobato, stories that goes beyond fun and entertain the children. With many of them, he brought up the problems of public health in Brazil. Jeca – Tatu is one of the characters that served as a tool to campaign for sanitation and informing and educating the public about a tropical disease that at the time, faced by millions of Brazilians and was so neglected. the However, in the midst of campaigns sanitarians, Monteiro Lobato modifies its analysis of the problem: Poor Jeca. As in the novel are beautiful and ugly in reality., Transforming it into a new symbol of Brazilianness. Not coincidentally, in 1924, created the radio character Jeca Tatuzinho, who taught hygiene and sanitation to children

Jeca the clown is born !?

I first used the character of Jeca the clown In 2000 as part of my social project, being run by my local church on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. “Jeca” opened particularly difficult doors in the shantytowns or the poorest areas allaying others to then follow up with pratical help such as toys and clothes. Later “Jeca” began to appear in schools, at children’s parties and other special occasions. In 2002 myself as “Jeca”- co-presented the children's television show called Bom É Ser Criança or ”Good is Being a Child”. The TV Ptogram were presented by one of the biggest Brazilian gospel singer, Aline Barros. That same year I had to make one of the biggest decisions of my life. Leaving the TV program I liked so much to get married and move to Ireland. Since I moved to Ireland ” jeca” main activities have been in birthday parties , been part of many festivals and events… Some people saying I’m already born as Jeca the clown, some saying became clown in 2002 but now I’m Jeca 24/7, maybe both are right ! But for sure the kids entertainer Jeca the clown is eternally in my heart and life.

“We don’t stop laughing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop laughing.”
– Author Unknown
Recently I was looking for old pictures and photos of Jeca the clown and to add in this post and came across this amazing video of me on the tv show. When I was doing recording the show I had a mix of feelings, one side of me was delighted, the other side was extremely nervous for the opportunity. It was a lot improvisation on that time not just for me but to all involved. I wish I had the experience in clowning, the costumes I have today and the great opportunity of been part of open kids show. Let me get this opportunity to thanks the great clown and professional , Nilceia figueiredo (www.fisioyog.com/) for the knowledge shared with me that I care till today. Fasten your seat belts and get ready for time travel: